• Alternatives to the S&P 500

    Alternatives to the S&P 500
    Alternatives to the S&P 500
    Alternatives to the S&P 500
    Alternatives to the S&P 500
    Alternatives to the S&P 500
    Alternatives to the S&P 500

    Ever wondered about the different types of investments apart from just buying the S&P500? Let's dive into three categories: Traditional/Conventional Assets, Non-Conventional, and Fully Managed Assets.

    Conventional investments include Bonds, which you can buy directly on your banking app (UOB/DBS/OCBC) for a 3-4% APY with full capital preservation. REITs are tied to real estate, operate similarly to stocks but with growing dividends, offering 4-8% APY. Robo/Digital Advisors like Syfe, Endowus, and Stashaway can set up an investment portfolio for you for a small fee.

    Unconventional investments include Property Crowdfunding, which pools money to invest for a 9-15% APY (but it's highly risky, e.g., Cossets). Invoice Financing is another type of Peer to Peer financing, used to support SMEs, offering 15-25% APY (also highly risky).

    Managed investments include Financial Advisor Products. Personally, I don't engage with these as there are usually four layers of fees (Agent->Agent's Company -> Fund Manager -> Fund House). However, they offer endowments and Investment Linked Products (ILP) if you're interested.

    As for us, we stick with conventional products. I've tried Crowdfunding before, but it's too risky (research 'Cossets'). We stay away from FA's investment products. Rotating between Bonds, REITs, and Stocks works best for us.

    #investing #bonds #wealth #finance #adulting101