• Home Series - 2120sqf to start

    Home Series - 2120sqf to start
    Home Series - 2120sqf to start
    Home Series - 2120sqf to start

    Home Series - 2120sqf to start
    Home Series - 2120sqf to start
    Home Series - 2120sqf to start
    Home Series - 2120sqf to start

    We have been married for 12 years and moved 8 times. The decade has been some sort of madness, at least to me.

    Last year, in 2022, we saw this place on a random Friday in April. We had a second viewing with all 3 kids along with my parents on a Sunday. I started marketing my place on Monday, sold my place 6 days, on a Wednesday and bought this place on the same day. Yea, that is pretty much the timeline, sale and purchase offers and OTPs sorted within the week. This is also pretty much how this family rolls for major decisions.

    We got the keys to this place on 1 September 2022 and started renovation the next day. The place was in original condition and we did almost everything. Mister E decided that we should focus extra effort on transformation for two areas for our place- the kitchen and the master bath.

    We have moved in for nearly 9 months, and I have finally gotten time to journal the whole renovation/move-in journey. So here we go,