• Part II: We almost didn’t make it!

    Part II: We almost didn’t make it!
    Part II: We almost didn’t make it!
    Part II: We almost didn’t make it!

    Part II: We almost didn’t make it!
    Part II: We almost didn’t make it!

    Hello Zesties 🍋

    I’m back with Part II of our journey, opening a new store! After we opened up Scape underground, in the same year, we opened Waterway Point in October 2016. OMG I JUST REALIZE IT IS OCT ALREADY AND WATERWAY JUST TURNED 7 years old. 🫣🥹

    Happy 7th TGS Punggol Waterway Point Outlet! 🎉🥳

    This store is by far our most effort store at the beginning before the revamps. Me and Ken had assembled 16 Ikea cabinets ourselves using hand screw driver and if you had ever assembled one before you will know how difficult it is. And after assembling, I still have to DIY and paste vinyl over the cabinets. I can’t believe we were that silly 🥹🤣

    It took us 2 days to complete them and then transporting them was also an issue because I wasn’t able to carry the cabinet as i acknowledge myself, I am too weak 🥲. So we SOS Ken’s friend who was so ONz and helped us. So 2 of them, transported 16 cabinet, 2 by 2 driving to and fro to the store. Simon, I’m so grateful to you! 🫢

    And we worked till morning 8am to finish up everything so that we can open the next day. 😵‍💫 Idk how we survived last time. Young and reckless 🤪

    P.S We almost wasn’t able to open the store too due to the shortage of cash flow cos I miscalculate our budget for the store due to the difference between a government funded mall (SCAPE is a non profit organization if you are wondering) VS a shopping mall therefore, I had to cough and squeeze out additional cash. And If I did not manage to do it, honestly, I guess we would’t be here today. 🤧 Well, luckily I did, and luckily for me, I saved a lot when I was young. 🤣

    Did not realize how we should have taken time lapse or videos last time. And look at the one and only time that I bleached my hair. (Photo 1)

    Next part, opening other outlets and closing them 😔

    If you had read till here, thank you for reading! ❤️ Let me know what you would like to know on our journey that I might have missed out answering! ✨