• We’re never getting rid of this dining chair!️

    We’re never getting rid of this dining chair!️
    We’re never getting rid of this dining chair!️
    We’re never getting rid of this dining chair!️

    we decided on having carpentry in our dining area with by fabricating a fixed settee! 🪑🍽️

    right from the beginning, we always liked the idea of a settee because of an obvious reason — can have EXTRA STORAGE in an alr small home. Storage space is extremely impt for us. 😝

    But we didn’t know how to fit a settee in the living room until our ID proposed this layout and we loved it at first sight!! 😚

    💭reasons why we love the idea of this built-in dining settee?

    💬Customised to fit our needs.

    – we use the STORAGE SPACE📦 to store things like seat cushions, board games, and even our cartons of packet and canned drinks that we stocked up etc

    – we also have an allocated space for POWER TRACK🔌 our electrical needs like charging the laptop when we do work here, and also having steamboat or hotpot over the dining area.

    – we also could select our own LAMINATE COLOURS🎨 for the settee, such that it matches our house theme!

    💬Space maximisation.

    – for us, one of the things we rly wanted was for our house to look SPACIOUS. With the settee and how it’s positioned, it helps to create an illusion that the dining area is bigger as the settee width extends all the way out, making the seating area longer than the space provided by a typical dining bench.

    – it also allows us to host MORE guests, giving our guests more SPACE to sit at. We’re always happy to see guests making use of the settee. 🤣

    Was this carpentry worth investing in? It’s a YES for us!! 💯

    Reasons why people might not like it? it’s fixed and you can’t change it around in future. But what we’d think is that it actually has more pros than cons, and the con is one that we can accept.

    So this is why we chose a built-in dining settee!! Anyone has a built-in dining settee too? Would love to hear your thoughts about it!! 🙂