• My husband designed our foyer

    My husband designed our foyer
    My husband designed our foyer
    My husband designed our foyer

    My husband designed our foyer
    My husband designed our foyer

    The man who loves his dark bachelor pad’s theme 😂 Our BTO layout was a see-it-all and we have our bomb shelter along the walkway to our bedrooms (yknow what i mean!). Therefore we wanted to build a partition/cabinet/false wall at the foyer area so we could have a little more privacy if we leave our main door open!

    Tee’s very much inspired by blacks & dark walnut wood so here’s what we did:

    🩶 added a black tinted mirror to make our space look a bit more spacious and less “claustrophobic”

    🩶 we painted the walls around the foyer black for a more wholesome look

    🩶 yes! We did considered painting the ceiling black too but our contractor advised us to decide again after seeing the walls in black

    🩶 we added spot lights to light up the area (cos black paint really made the area very dark!!!) and as ambient lighting at night

    🩶 decided for a wood slate partition instead of cabinets cos its more space saving (we didn’t want to sacrifice much of our living & dining space area so we gave up extra storage space) but this one really didn’t save us extra bucks 😂


    🖤 consider a partition slate wall to save space

    🖤 consider painting the walls for a different vibe

    🖤 add a mirror! It really makes the area look more spacious

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