• First, think of the reno theme!

    First, think of the reno theme!
    First, think of the reno theme!
    First, think of the reno theme!

    Hey there! We are new to Lemon8 and here’s a sneak peek into our 93sqm BTO home! Why Ubigood? Well, we thought it was puny for it to sound like “Orbigood”, something every Singaporean kid says growing up when your friend or sibling gets in trouble. Haha.

    We can’t really pin point a particular theme for the home. Japandi, Scandi, Lux, Victorian, 奶油风 (cream butter?) – you name it, and you probably can find some elements of each theme in the home. All we knew was was wanted a home that was

    ☀️ Bright


    ☁️ Cosy

    👀 Has a neutral, soothing colour palette

    We actually started researching and creating our Pinterest board 1 year before we collected our keys. And thankfully, my husband and I have pretty much the same taste in interior design. With the theme decided, we started to keep a lookout on interior designers who did the theme well.

    There weren’t many IDs that caught our eye. All in all, we only contacted 4 interior designers. After about 2 weeks of considerations, we went with Cherriepei from Lemonfridge. We chose her because:

    💃 her style resonated the most with us, and she was also the

    ☎️ most responsive amongst the other IDs we spoke to.

    ✍️Additionally, she was also willing to make adjustments to her quotes multiple times, by removing unnecessary design elements and/or carpentry to meet our initial budget of $60k.


    1️⃣ Make sure that you can vibe with your ID. Both your styles need to align, so that when they propose a particular design or if you don’t really want to rack your brains for options (there are sooo many options when it comes to material selection), you want someone whose taste you can trust.

    2️⃣ Find a ID who is responsible. But do realise that it is “just” a job (for your ID). So as much as it needs to be “Perfect”, do cut your ID some slack and not hound them for a response after working hours. Most IDs work on weekends, so even if my ID doesn’t respond to me for 1 day on a weekday, I feel it’s fine…because who knows they could be taking their off day on a weekday instead. Still we were quite lucky that our ID was generally responsive and took responsibility for any amendments that needed to be made

    💸We did end up exceeding that budget, as the renovation turned out to be around $70k, but that was also because we decided on making some last minute (major) layout changes, just a few weeks prior to commencement of the renovation.

    ⏰ After several months of renovation, fretting over design options and spending lots (and lots) of money, we were finally ready to move in after 7 months since key collection. It took longer than we expected to, but I’d say, to us, the outcome was worth the wait.

    It felt like we were at an AirBnb for the first few nights – very pretty (obviously we love the design), but also very foreign. But now after living here for 2 months, we can safely say it is our dream come true.

    The layout of the home is TOTALLY different from the original layout, we hacked EVERY SINGLE WALL that could be hacked, and even rebuilt some new walls. It helped make the space look bigger than the typical 4-room flat! We will share more about that in our upcoming posts. So do stay tuned!

    #HomeReno #homeliving #btorenovation #lifestyle

    #budget #interiordesignsingapore #theme #designtheme #colourtheme #neutralcolors