• should you go for consultations with your teacher?

    should you go for consultations with your teacher?
    should you go for consultations with your teacher?
    should you go for consultations with your teacher?

    When I was preparing for my A Levels, I found consulting my teachers really helpful not only in helping me better consolidate the concepts taught during lectures and tutorials, but also in helping me to better understand my learning style.

    However, looking back now after I have graduated🎓, I realised that I might have made a few mistakes that kind of wasted a bit of time for both me and my teachers🫢😥.

    These are some things I realised I could have started doing earlier to make consultation sessions more fruitful in aiding my learning.

    Step 1️⃣: Establish a goal ⭕️ that you want to achieve from consulting your teacher.

    When I was studying, I realised that some people (actually including myself at one point too) hastily book consultations nearing exams just because they see that their classmates around them are all going for consults and feel that they would fall behind if they don’t book a session, basically booking consults because of FOMO 🫢😬

    However, in order for the consultation session to actually be productive, it is important to identify what exactly you would like to cover during the session, instead of booking a session just to make yourself feel like you’re ‘doiing something’ to improve your grades.

    This could be different for everyone, but some examples of what you want to achieve could be to clear up misconceptions you have about certain concepts in math or science subjects, or to review your essay plans for more challenging question types for GP/ humanities subjects.

    ❌Things you should avoid asking your teacher (Asking such questions occasionally along with other questions is ok, but it shouldn’t be the bulk of what you are asking during consult.) are questions that could be clarified easily over text, such as yes/no questions like ‘do we need to round up our answers for such questions’ etc.

    You also shouldn’t overly-dwell on the ‘question’/answer, because the same question is unlikely to be tested again. Instead, focus on the concepts/formulae that are tested in the question and identify why you were not able to apply them correctly. ➡️Instead of asking ‘how to do this question’/ ‘i don’t understand the answer key’, try to explain your thoughts process/ identify the concepts tested to your teacher and ask them what went wrong with your approach/understanding of certain topics.

    Step 2️⃣: Arrange a consultation session with your teacher at least a few days in advance

    After you have identified what your teacher could help you with, ask them for a consultation at least 3 days in advance.

    👩‍🏫👨‍🏫Aside from being your lecturer/ subject tutor, your teacher also has other classes to teach and most likely has other responsibilities to fulfil, such as being in charge of a CCA or certain school events. And they have a life outside of school too! It is important to be understanding and considerate by showing that you respect your teacher’s time⌛️ 🙂

    Some schools have a booking system on their school portal for consults, but if your teacher doesn’t use it, just send them a text asking when they are free to help you with _____ (tell them what you need help with).

    I think it would also be great to avoid ❌booking a consultation nearing the exam season, as most students would also be going for consults at that time and it might be more difficult to arrange a time with your teacher. Plus the consult area would be super crowded and noisy 🙉 🙁

    Step 3️⃣: Prepare for the consult!!!

    In order for your teacher to provide help effectively, you have to help them help you 🫵!! Before attending your consultation, annotate 📑the question(s) that made you realise you need help with a certain concept/ question type. Show your thoughts process clearly so that it is easier for your teacher to identify your knowledge gaps and help you learn to better tackle these questions during the exams 💯.

    Annotating is also a great habit to cultivate when studying as it helps you consistently consolidate the concepts you know and develop a clear and logical thinking process🧠, which is essential in helping you improve.

    Step 4️⃣: Take notes during the consultation session!

    Although you may feel like you would remember what your teacher tells you during consult, you should still take down 📝the important information your teacher tells you as they try to clear your misconceptions. This helps you to truly internalise what you have learnt and better apply them during the exams.

    Step 5️⃣: Verbally summarise your takeaways at the end of the consult, just to make sure.

    I only realised how helpful this is nearing the end of JC, when my GP teacher made me recall and tell him what I learnt after our consult.

    A consultation session is usually quite short, yet you can cover a lot because it is one on one, therefore it is easy to forget what you have covered after you leave. Summarising briefly what you have learnt to your teacher helps to make sure that you actually remember what is covered, and also helps your teacher make sure that you actually understood them.

    Going for consultations would be super helpful in preparing for your exams, not only through helping to clear up your misconceptions, but also in motivating you to stay accountable for your own learning and ensure you're on track. I hope these tips have been helpful in making your next consult a fruitful one!!!!

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