• 6 MUST-HAVE Chrome Extensions for students

    6 MUST-HAVE Chrome Extensions for students
    6 MUST-HAVE Chrome Extensions for students
    6 MUST-HAVE Chrome Extensions for students

    6 MUST-HAVE Chrome Extensions for students
    6 MUST-HAVE Chrome Extensions for students
    6 MUST-HAVE Chrome Extensions for students
    6 MUST-HAVE Chrome Extensions for students

    As a student, you’re likely to spend a lot of time using Google for research, studying, and keeping yourself organised. However, did you know that by taking advantage of Chrome extensions, you can greatly improve your student life and boost your productivity? 🤓

    Here are some useful Chrome extensions that I use for school:

    1️⃣ Weava Highlighter

    Best highlighting tool for websites (online articles) and PDFs with multiple colours, ranging from pink, orange, yellow, green and blue. You can annotate your highlights as well. After highlighting, you can organise them into folders and revisit them easily.

    > Super useful for visual learners

    > Helps to boost your comprehension and retention of information

    2️⃣ Merlin

    Get ChatGPT response whenever you Google something. Summarises YouTube videos like your lecture videos or readings on YouTube into key points. While reading any article, highlight text and right-click to access to Merlin easily. You can ask Merlin anything you want such as asking to summarise the text for you.

    > Increases your productivity

    > Helps you get the best out of AI on Google Search, Youtube, Gmail and 10+ million other websites

    3️⃣ MyBib

    Helps you with references for your school reports in any format such as APA and Chicago. Generates in-text citations for you as well.

    > Saves time and helps you to multitask

    4️⃣ Speechify

    If you’re lazy to read long articles, use Speechify to read to you any article, PDF, doc and many more. Rushing to read? You can change the reading speed up to 4.5x faster. Best part is that you can listen in various languages and accents.

    > Super useful for auditory learners

    > Saves time and helps you to multitask

    5️⃣ TLDR This

    Summarises painfully long pieces of text into key bullet points. This is useful if you don’t understand what the article is saying and wants to know the key points of the article.

    > Saves time

    6️⃣ Wordtune

    Helps to improve your writing on Google Docs by suggesting how can you rewrite, shorten and expand. It can also help to change the tone of your sentence, making it more casual or formal. But please take note you only have limited tries.

    > Makes your writing more clear, compelling and authentic

    These tools have made my student life so much easier and I hope that it has helped you too! <3