• Review: The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

    Review: The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
    Review: The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
    Review: The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

    #CindysBookClub Imagine this. In that split second after you die you wake up in a library lined with books. In each of these books is how your life could have been based on a decision that you had made no matter how small are significant. You are the. able to pick up any book of your choosing, and reading the pages you can fall into the life that you could’ve had, based on the choices you could have made. This is the Midnight Library.

    Crazy right? I was fully intrigued when I first read this concept for the book. It really has become one of my absolute favorites and I wanted to share it will all of you! ❤️

    Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

    Genre- Fantasy Fiction

    Plot – I already told you quite a bit with the introduction and I don’t really don’t want to ruin it for you, but the plot was done very well and executed very while you were able to dive into multiple lives of the main character and it was really interesting to see how it could different, but at the same time, and also felt like different versions of her it was very well executed.

    Writing Style – it was really easy to fall along with the book. You really felt like the writing style emulated the characters voice very well, and it was quite fast paced, but still make time to emphasize on the moments that would matter, or would matter later on.

    Length – it is 288 pages long, so I think this is a good length for a fantasy novel to get into the story without having to be dragged on too long. I think it’s really good for an afternoon sitting as well.

    Ending – I absolutely love the ending! I cried like a baby. I cried after I finish this book and I cried an hour after that, and I cried the next day and I don’t know what is the magic sauce, but this book really had me hooked and hit me in a way that kind of changed my perspective on my own life as well.