• Driving License Guide Private Route

    Driving License Guide  Private Route
    Driving License Guide  Private Route
    Driving License Guide  Private Route

    Driving License Guide  Private Route
    Driving License Guide  Private Route

    🍋personal experience — took class 3A private at SSDC

    🏆Private Instructor — My instructor is a quiet guy and doesn’t talk much, but will shower you with important tips, necessary notes and correct you calmly! He’s better at conversing in chinese but wasn’t an issue for me☺️ Do find one that doesn’t flare up or raise their voices at you (even if you make mistakes) so you’ll have an enjoyable learning experience. I got my license under 5months with a patient and helpful instructor🫶🏻

    🕹️Simulator Sessions

    you can only book for simulations after 5 practical lessons and you’re required to complete 3 simulator sessions. For SSDC, simulator booking slots are always full, do check frequently (as some may give up their slot and you can get it)!

    📒Theory Test Tips

    I passed both my BTT and FTT with one try —huge shoutout to TP test app 🔥 it was a huge saver, questions there were like the actual ones!! I did not purchase any physical theory books throughout so you don’t have to waste 💰 on those too!!

    Personally suggest that you complete all your theory test first before starting practical! As both BTT and FTT are similar so you will be able to complete it faster🥳 — just book your BTT/ FTT even if you do not have a instructor yet! Afterwards you can fully focus on your practical which saves more time & money and make the whole process faster📆

    Tips — make sure to try till you get full marks few times in a row. When you’re very confident (mostly full marks) with TP test app and would like to try out more questions then you might want to download the BTT and FTT app!

    📄guidebooks are free to download and updated regularly by authorities so no worries there!! Honestly, this is optional IMOP the apps does all the work for me’

    🚙Practical Test Tips

    i’ll suggest to book a few continuous lessons (at least 2) w your instructor before the actual test! (so you’ll be driving/ practicing 3days straight) This really helped me a lot, as it becomes a ‘familiar routine’ which means you make lesser mistakes each time!!

    Booking TP slot — ❌do not book peak hours / weekend slots! I’ll suggest AM slot around 11am or PM slot around 3pm! (suggested by my instructor and roads are mostly

    cleared) Not sure if this is true – but try not to book the last few slots of the day as they have a cap for maximum number of passing per day😖

    Be familiarize with the driving test assessment checklist!! couldn’t emphasize more but this is really important🔥 take note of the common mistakes (usually testers will look out for those) and prevent them from getting your points deducted! — let me know if you need the common mistakes checklist,, my instructor highlighted it and i took a picture 📸

    Actual Test Day — make sure to go for a final revision before the real one! Dress properly, greet your tester and smile (good impression)😆 key pointers: stop line and safety checks! you can choose to voice out ‘checked’ so that your tester knows and guarantee you won’t get points deducted!

    Surely you’ll feel stressed and nervous — treat it like a normal lesson, take a deep breathe and tell yourself you can do it ,, you’ve got this!! 🤍

    📍Driving Centre Singapore — SSDC/ BBDC/ CDC