• read this to get OUT of a SLUMP

    read this to get OUT of a SLUMP
    read this to get OUT of a SLUMP
    read this to get OUT of a SLUMP

    if you’ve been in a study slump lately, read on and see if this tip helps you!

    this is a concept i came up with myself, so ⚠️disclaimer⚠️ it isn’t really scientifically proven but i’m sure there’s some sort of theory related to why this works!

    you know how if you’re in a room with a teacher/ supervisor you tend to be at max productivity because SOMEONE is WATCHING what you are doing to keep you ACCOUNTABLE. this is why studying with helpful friends works well sometimes because there’s someone to keep you ACCOUNTABLE!

    however what happens when you’re studying alone? you get distracted easily 😢 one second youre writing something, and the next you’re reaching for your phone to scroll for “just five minutes” which turns into an hour…two hours…

    ‼️ so this method is about taking a vlog or a timelapse of your day. ever see those “productive day in my life”s on youtube? stimulate that environment for yourself by recording timelapses of yourself studying! get yourself a drink and a neat setup just like those videos. it wouldnt be nice to turn back and watch one of your timelapses to see yourself procrastinating and all…so this is a really effective method to stay focused! you keep YOURSELF accountable 🤭

    the app i use for keeping myself on task is FOREST (paid app on app store) which has an option to block out all your other apps in focus mode. but a good alternative is FLIPD which is free and also has this app lock option 🤫

    hope this helps you, let me know if it works for you too!