• the perfect morning activity for your weekends!

    the perfect morning activity for your weekends!
    the perfect morning activity for your weekends!
    the perfect morning activity for your weekends!
    the perfect morning activity for your weekends!
    the perfect morning activity for your weekends!
    the perfect morning activity for your weekends!


    It's the holiday season soon for most of us students and that means… exploring and trying out new things be it solo, or with your friends/family 🙂

    If you love nature, enjoy catching sunrise AND being active in general, THIS IS FOR YOU!! 🥹

    How does journey to the northwest from north sounds? Good right? yes 😬

    ANYWAYS! this morning, i dragged my mom out at 615am to venture on the lower seletar to punggol waterway park ON FOOT. yes by foot! … .. so this is how it went! and you can try this route out too! 🙂

    7am: arrived at lower seletar to catch the sunrise

    730am: walked towards yishun dam on foot

    830am: arrived at the entrance of seletar west park connector. we walked for abit more before deciding to hop on an ANYWHEEL bike! p.s. we saw a plane taking off on the way !!

    9am: arrived at wildseed café , had a light breakfast

    10am: continued cycling towards punggol

    1130: arrived at punggol waterway after a few detours because i read the google maps wrongly :”

    so yes… as u can see, we did not manage to complete the whole route on foot, but nonetheless it felt great! ✨✨ we did 6km on foot, from lower seletar to seletar west park connector and continued by ANYWHEEL bicycle from there on! 🙂

    the food was good, the view was good, the day was great!

    let me know if you have completed that route entire on foot before cos i RESPECT!!🫡🫡

    SO! of you are still thinking of what to do, get up and explore the north-northeastern part of singapore! enjoy and soak in nature! its beautiful! and healing. 🤍