• [VIDEO] Wanna be a torpedo? (Try underwater scooters)

    Ever wondered how it feels like to be a torpedo? Because that’s exactly how it felt like to dive with an underwater scooter, also known as a DPV.

    Just an additional 800 baht ($40sgd), for two sets of batteries for two dives. This was the absolute coolest dive that I’ve ever had. Who needs to swim and kick when you have an engine strapped on to your wrist. Gliding over the corals and fishes, it feels exactly like how you’d imagine flying to feel like. I don’t think that I can go back to normal diving now!

    It was truly one of the most fun and exciting experiences underwater. Mostly available for certified scuba or free divers, but hey you never know, some dive centers around the world may allow for a quick discover scuba dives with dpvs that allows for non-certiified divers to experience this wonderful experience as well.

    DPVs, however, can be dangerous if you are not able to control the direction of it. Going up and down underwater while scuba diving too quickly can be dangerous. As a divemaster myself, my best piece of advice if you are to ever dive, is to never go past your limit or your training. It’s just not worth it. But don’t let that ever deter you, because each new skill you pick up while diving, just gives you more confidence.

    #diving #scubadiving #holiday #ThingsToDo #lifestyle #travel #travelrecommendation