• 23km hike??! ‍️

    23km hike??! ‍️
    23km hike??! ‍️
    23km hike??! ‍️

    23km hike??! ‍️
    23km hike??! ‍️

    the term “Hot girl walks” has been all over my FYP, albeit a little cringe to name the activity this way 😖.. walking is actually one of my fav activities to do! We started from Kranji MRT and walked ~23km and ended up at Kampong Bahru (very ulu) bus station.

    I’m sure you already know any form of physical activity is a boon to your overall health and that includes walking! i personally think walking is so relaxing bc you don’t have to do anything other than simply .. walk HAHAHA and you get to explore so many new places along the way too! It’s also a good bonding activity with your friends and a way to disconnect with our work and phones 😌

    here are some of the benefits of walking that i found online:

    * control weight

    * build bone and muscle mass

    * lower anxiety and stress

    * boosts immune function

    * reduce risks of chronic diseases

    so grab a pair of comfortable shoes and start walking, it can simply be around your neighbourhood🚶🏻‍♀️🌿