• UNGATEKEEPING the best picnic spot in SG

    UNGATEKEEPING the best picnic spot in SG
    UNGATEKEEPING the best picnic spot in SG
    UNGATEKEEPING the best picnic spot in SG
    UNGATEKEEPING the best picnic spot in SG

    You know that something is truly amazing if you hesitate for weeks on whether or not to un-gatekeep it 😂

    We chanced upon this peaceful and gorgeous patch of grass one day after dinner at Keppel Bay @ Marina and the rest is history. We’ve been back to picnic here at least 10 times and brought different groups of friends/ family here, each time more amazing than the last!

    We love to buy sushis and from dondondonki at Clarke Quay central, then cab/ grab over. It’s not the most accessible place but definitely manageable to just grab there!

    There is no name for the exact place, but once you’re at Marina at Keppel Bay, just keep walking towards the sea. There is an unused show flat and the grass patch is just right behind it!

    Happy picnicking yall!!