• Failing my first hike at Bukhansan

    Failing my first hike at Bukhansan
    Failing my first hike at Bukhansan
    Failing my first hike at Bukhansan
    Failing my first hike at Bukhansan
    Failing my first hike at Bukhansan
    Failing my first hike at Bukhansan
    Failing my first hike at Bukhansan
    Failing my first hike at Bukhansan

    Context: I’ve NEVER hiked before and it sounded like a cool experience so I agreed to follow my frens…

    Attempt 1: Went to Bukhansan Ui station and we realised this was NOT the easy but the difficult route. Decided to find the trail anyway but GOT LOST for 2h. Eventually found the trail it was 4pm and as we were climbing the rocks 2 ajummas laughed at us telling us to forget it (no way we’ll get anywhere close)🫣

    Attempt 2: Went back to Bukhansan Ui cos I thought I was superwoman 🦸 we saw loads of ahjussi and ajummas in full hiker gear and they were FAST💨 I was just wearing normal sports shoes and carrying my puffer sling (sooo prepared LOL)

    Arnd 1h in I started feeling dizzy and realised I didn’t HYDRATE enough. My fren forgot to cap his bottle and we lost 1L of water😩 my other fren brought out her chocolate and ofc it melted. We were 2/3 done when locals told us the last 1/3 would be wayyy steeper and it really was😭

    Somehow managed to haul ourselves up the rock by clinging on to the wires (fig. 1) and reached the peak!! The wind was an INSANE relief after 3h in the humid forest🌳 we ate our “lunch” before speeding back down (there was a grp of ahjussis behind me and I felt like I was sprinting down already but I would hear their click clack hiking sticks sprinting down too 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️)

    Then I slipped on a rock and 🥁🥁🥁 fell! It wasn’t too bad because the first thing I checked was my white bag. Thankfully both bag and I survived the hike unscathed😎

    There’s a COOL stream at the start/end of the trail with loads of locals and 🐈 too! Such a refreshing and calming way to end the hike!

    🌟bring WATER 🚿🚿 it’s super humid my 2 frens were dripping with sweat

    🌟bring light snacks (I bought bread from paris baguette that morning) and rmb to keep your trash

    🌟easier trail starts at Gupabal station