• Muddy Hiking

    Muddy Hiking
    Muddy Hiking
    Muddy Hiking
    Muddy Hiking
    Muddy Hiking
    Muddy Hiking

    Ran out of ideas of what to do? 🤔 Bored of hiking the usual hiking trials? Clementi forest should be on your list! I hiked the Clementi forest with my family the other time and it was so fun and interesting 🤭

    We actually reached at 6+ am so we can get to see the morning mist but it was raining so heavily so we seek shelter at Beauty World till 10+am and we decided we should go ahead although it was still drizzling 🌧️

    Starting Point 📍: Opposite Ngee Ann Poly (Bus stop 12109)

    So we took the left side of the canal which is apparently the recommended path! Since it was raining heavily before, the path was so muddy than usual and the water level was so high when we had to jumped to get across (picture 2) it was so fun though HAHA watching everyone struggled 😂😂

    We saw so many insects along the way and it was so nice walking along the trail! It was so peaceful~ We then took a pit stop at a tunnel which is (Opposite Maju Camp) bus stop and then followed the tracks to Sunset way! 2 of my family members that went with us, their shoes gave up on them because of the path in the forest LOL 😂

    If you’re up for some mud on your shoes, climbing over and under fallen trees, see abandoned railway tracks & secret tunnels, I will highly recommend you guys to hike Clementi forest!

    Distance: ~2++km

    Time: ~1.5-2hrs

    Difficulty: 3/5

    #LetsGetMovin #hike #singapore #clementiforest #whattodoinsingapore