• How to hit 1 million impressions!

    How to hit 1 million impressions!
    How to hit 1 million impressions!
    How to hit 1 million impressions!
    How to hit 1 million impressions!

    I joined lemon8 in Feb this year. After 7 months of consistently posting (took a few week hiatus in June), I am surprised to see that I have hit 1 million impressions from the weekly creators report. 🎉

    Being rather new to this content creator game, I have collated some tips which I thought worked for me.

    1️⃣**Be Consistent – People Prefer Predictability:**

    Consistency is key in social media. When you post regularly, your readers come to expect your content. It’s also good to create a consistent look and feel, so your content is recognisable. (Although that is not exactly my strength. 😅 Working on it!)

    2️⃣ **Participate in Trending Hashtags:**

    Trending hashtags are like digital billboards that can help your content reach a broader audience. By using relevant and popular hashtags in your posts, you tap into ongoing conversations and trends. Look out for the current lemon8 events/hashtag challenge on the explore page! It helps me a lot when thinking of what to share and how to frame my content angle too!

    3️⃣ **Be Informative and Share Experiences:**

    It find that my content that offers value tends to perform well. Share informative and educational content that addresses people’s interests or pain points. I am also learning how to be more open to share my personal experiences, which can be more compelling and relatable. I truly enjoy the #myPOV and #AdultingWoes content shared by many in the community.

    Hope you have fun exploring!