• How to split the bill overseas? An app to help! ‍️

    How to split the bill overseas? An app to help! ‍️
    How to split the bill overseas? An app to help! ‍️
    How to split the bill overseas? An app to help! ‍️
    How to split the bill overseas? An app to help! ‍️

    Ever encountered a time whereby someone goes “eh I pay first” “ok sure” “how to split Ah?” This happens so much especially when we’re overseas. When someone pays first or when there’s a bulk payment to be made. The app does the calculation to the tea

    You can download it here ✨

    It’s super easy to use!

    1️⃣ create groups

    Similarly to any group chats, you’ll create a group for an expense eg. Korea trip with your friends / dinner with your clique

    2️⃣ key in information

    key in what you’ve spent on for the group eg. You bought zoo tickets for everyone so you can split the bill with everyone OR alternatively you can pick out who to split on the app itself eg. just Amy and Tom

    3️⃣ settle up

    Once you settle up your amount gets cleared and the app will track how much is left to be paid or how much is left to be collected 0 calculations needed!

    Would definitely recommend this app if you’re planning to #GlowUp your travel game in 2023! It’s also super helpful when you’re out in big groups. Let me know what other apps you guys use!