• Chatgpt vs Bing vs Bard reply on 1 book

    Chatgpt vs Bing vs Bard reply on 1 book
    Chatgpt vs Bing vs Bard reply on 1 book
    Chatgpt vs Bing vs Bard reply on 1 book
    Chatgpt vs Bing vs Bard reply on 1 book

    I ask all 3 chatbots the same question to give me 10 key points on the book Foundation’ by Isaac Asimov. But due to limited space, I will just show 5 here.

    I find chatgpt is more detailed than Bing(Microsoft) or Bard(Google). However Bard shows me more reference back to the book itself. Bing is more straightforward and to the point.


    1.The power of predicting trends: “Foundation” highlights the importance of being able to anticipate and predict future events. In real life, this idea can be applied to various areas such as business, investing, and technology. By studying patterns and understanding underlying dynamics, we can make more informed decisions and position ourselves for success.

    2.Embracing change: The book emphasizes that change is inevitable and that adapting to new circumstances is crucial for survival. This concept holds true in real life as well. Whether it's in personal relationships, career choices, or societal transformations, being flexible and open to change allows us to navigate uncertain waters more effectively.

    3. The value of knowledge and education: “Foundation” underscores the power of knowledge and its ability to shape the future. In real life, investing in education and continuously learning is vital for personal growth and development. By acquiring new skills and expanding our understanding of the world, we can contribute to progress and make a positive impact.

    4. The significance of long-term thinking: The book showcases the importance of taking a long-term perspective when making decisions. In real life, this can be applied to personal finances, project planning, and goal setting. By considering the potential long-term consequences of our actions, we can make wiser choices that align with our desired outcomes.

    5. The dangers of blind faith: “Foundation” explores the negative consequences of blindly following charismatic leaders or ideologies. This lesson is applicable to real life situations where critical thinking and questioning assumptions are crucial. It encourages us to examine information critically, consider multiple perspectives, and make informed judgments rather than succumbing to blind faith.


    1. The importance of preserving knowledge – The book is centered around the idea of preserving knowledge and passing it down to future generations. The Foundation is created for this very purpose.

    2. The power of prediction – The book shows how predicting future events can be a powerful tool for shaping the course of history. Hari Seldon’s psychohistory is based on this idea.

    3. The dangers of relying on technology – The book warns against relying too heavily on technology and forgetting about the importance of human connection. This is exemplified by the decline of the Galactic Empire.

    4. The importance of adaptability – The book shows how civilizations that are able to adapt to changing circumstances are more likely to survive. This is exemplified by the Foundation’s ability to adapt to new challenges.

    5. The value of diversity – The book highlights the value of diversity and how different perspectives can lead to new ideas and innovations. This is exemplified by the Foundation’s use of scientists from different fields.


    1. The importance of planning. The Foundation was founded on the principles of psychohistory, a mathematical science that allows for the prediction of large-scale social trends. This allowed the Foundation to plan for the future and to take steps to ensure its survival. In real life, it is important to plan for the future, even if we cannot predict it with perfect accuracy. By planning, we can increase our chances of success and minimize the risk of failure.

    2. The power of knowledge. The Foundation was able to preserve knowledge and technology during the Galactic Dark Age. This knowledge was essential to the Foundation's success. In real life, knowledge is also power. By acquiring knowledge, we can improve our lives and make a difference in the world.

    3. The importance of cooperation. The Foundation was able to achieve its goals through cooperation. The Foundationers worked together to achieve common goals, and this cooperation was essential to their success. In real life, cooperation is also essential to success. By working together, we can achieve more than we ever could on our own.

    4. The need for leadership. The Foundation was led by Hari Seldon and his successors. These leaders were able to guide the Foundation through the Galactic Dark Age and to ensure its eventual success. In real life, we also need leaders. Leaders are people who can inspire and motivate others, and who can help us to achieve our goals.

    5. The importance of diversity. The Foundation was made up of people from all over the galaxy. This diversity of cultures and viewpoints was essential to the Foundation's success. In real life, diversity is also essential to success. By embracing diversity, we can gain new perspectives and ideas, and we can become more creative and innovative.