• Notion Formulas for absolute beginners

    Notion Formulas for absolute beginners
    Notion Formulas for absolute beginners
    Notion Formulas for absolute beginners
    Notion Formulas for absolute beginners
    Notion Formulas for absolute beginners
    Notion Formulas for absolute beginners

    If you're new to Notion, using formulas can seem overwhelming at first. But these simple formulas can help you get started:

    1️⃣ Logic Functions

    These functions are used to evaluate whether certain conditions are true or false, and then return a corresponding value based on the result.

    ✨ and() – Test whether conditions are true

    ✨ if() – Tests whether the first expression returns true. If so, it evaluates the 2nd expression. If the first expressions returns false, it evaluates the third expression. The output type depends on your inputs.

    ✨ larger() – Tests whether the first expression returns a larger value than the second expression. Returns a boolean.

    2️⃣ Numerical functions

    These allow you to perform mathematical operations on numerical data within a Notion database. Used to calculate, aggregate, and manipulate numerical data in various ways.

    ✨ add() – Adds 2 numbers. Returns a number.

    ✨ round() – Rounds a number to the nearest integer. Returns a number

    ✨ unaryPlus() – Converts a string, boolean or date to its corresponding . (Also see tonumber().) Returns a number

    3️⃣ Text functions

    These manipulate and format text data within a Notion database.

    ✨ concat() – Concatenates (combines) text strings. Returns a text string.

    ✨ contains() – Tests whether a text string contains another text string. Returns a boolean

    ✨ replaceAll() – Replaces all regular expression matches within a text string with a specified new text string. Returns a text string.

    4️⃣ Date & time functions

    These allow you to manipulate and format date and time data within a Notion database.

    ✨ dateBetween() – Returns the amount of time between two dates. Returns a number

    ✨ end() – Returns the end date from a date property containing a date range. Returns a date

    ✨ now() – Returns a date that remains current. Returns a date

    As a Notion user, I've personally found these formulas to be incredibly useful for organizing my tasks, projects, and databases. With some practice, I was able to use these formulas to create workflows and automate repetitive tasks.

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