• 3 BASIC HACKS to BOOST your likes & engagement

    3 BASIC HACKS to BOOST your likes & engagement
    3 BASIC HACKS to BOOST your likes & engagement
    3 BASIC HACKS to BOOST your likes & engagement

    3 BASIC HACKS to BOOST your likes & engagement
    3 BASIC HACKS to BOOST your likes & engagement

    hello! i’ve been wanting to share these three ideas that i always go by whenever i post content on here and i found really worked for me..do give this post a like if it gave you some new insight!

    but first – being a creator on this platform made me realise it really isn’t all just about the likes and saves, but rather turning my focus to creating quality content on things i truly love sharing about ❤️ this always garners the most interest in the audience and i encourage you to post about things you really want to share (rather than bulk posting to hit certain goals!) ok lets get straight into it! 🙂

    1) NUMBERS!!!

    putting out a number (if you noticed, i did it for this post too LOL) is so much more engaging. it gets your point across really quick — how many things does the reader have to read? how much did you save? how cheap is the product? by keeping things clear and concise in the title or cover image, you encourage them to click in 📈

    2) who ARE YOU???

    sometimes your post content doesn’t warrant you to be inside it and maybe forcing your face into frame is a little weird. but you need some element of yourself in your posts to create that connection with your readers! i think..this increases reader loyalty? that’s why i usually put a cutout photo of myself in my posts because tbh just a plain post with the items can be quite uneventful leading to lesser click-ins! 😗


    there’s a reason why lemon8 is such an amazing app for creators.. LOOK AT THE IN HOUSE TOOLS! i genuinely find it so accessible and easy to use and i love it whenever i find new updates with the editing tools (which is quite often!) it’s super easy to collage, create, etc and make items POP out to catch reader’s attention ⚠️ i love using the cutout function to add more photos to the current layout to give the users a glimpse into what i’m sharing 😛

    lastly – lemon8 is already so supportive of all their creators, big or small! use their functions like the weekly insight report to look into your engagement, track your progress and growth and their tips are honestly so helpful and relevant to what im posting. yes they post CURATED tips to help you boost your engagement! this is one of the hidden features that many usually don’t notice so i suggest you utilise it well 🙂

    that’s it, i hope this LENGTHYY post helped you in some way & thanks for reading! 🙃