• from my pov

    from my pov
    from my pov

    Hi friends! 🍋🍋🍋

    I've been a dedicated xhs user since last December and have been using lemon for 4-5months! After using both platforms, I've noticed some key differences! (beside the obv language diff haha)

    2) More serious content on Lemon8

    I love memes, and it appears that xhs has a lot more lighthearted content compared to Lemon8. On Lemon8, there isnt much funny stuff or memes. Not necessarily a bad thing though – Lemon8 seems to be more about informative content 📚

    3) Lesser video content on Lemon8 📹

    When I post the same content on lemon8 and xhs, the lemon8 post will have more views but the engagements in terms of likes/save will be higher for xhs! e.g. in pic 2

    ps, these are my personal observations, not facts! 😅

    Any fellow xhs users here, do y'all relate to my observations?