• Cheat code - Turn lengthy script into ppt slides!

    Cheat code - Turn lengthy script into ppt slides!

    A very useful prompt hack on ChatGpt that you should save – when you have a lengthy script but just unsure how to put into ppt slides that are easy to read/present.

    An assumption – slides should not be full of info. Minimalist slides means the attention is on you, the presenter!

    Prompt to chatgpt – “You are an expert presenter who knows how to communicate clearly and keep an audience's attention. I want you to help me turn this (insert text) into an engaging and persuasive presentation. The audience are (insert audience) and I'm aiming for them to (insert action step) after I finished talking. I've been given (insert time) to speak, so make sure you come up with something that can be delivered within that time. I want you to create a list of slides that the presentation should contain. For each slide, I want you to list the headline, other media, that's image, video, or gif, and the speaker's notes as a list of bullet points. Each slide should contain no more than 30 words so they don't distract from what I'm saying. Each slide should only talk about one thing. It's better to have more slides saying less than less slides saying more. Slides can also contain images, charts. diagrams, and films if they help communicate point clearly.”