RUN T THIS CAFE ‍️‍️
    RUN T THIS CAFE ‍️‍️
    RUN T THIS CAFE ‍️‍️

    RUN T THIS CAFE ‍️‍️
    RUN T THIS CAFE ‍️‍️

    i see many ppl visiting japan recently so if ure in kyoto here's a cafe reco!! I mean PLS is this not the cutest cafe ever?? the tiles, the natural sunlight, the merch 🥹 ,THEIR PLATES, THE HEART SHAPED CROCHET COASTERS WTF SO CUTE

    was researching for cute cafes to visit while i was in japan and i think this is by far one of my favss out of the 10 i went…. avg 1 every day thats alright ok 👊🏻😤

    this places hits the spot with the food, drinks & aesthetics imo

    what we ordered: (note: every person has to order 1 drink)

    chili cheese bagel

    honey butter bagel

    apple caramel madeleine

    caramel vienna

    sakura float (my friend felt it tasted like bandung 😵‍💫)

    i was p hungry so i gobbled the bagel up and the chili cream cheese was so good! my friend rly enjoyed her honey butter bagel as well & she said she wouldn't mind revisiting which is a HUGE PLUS COS she ain't a cafe person ok!! also my pet peeve is when cafes focus too much on aesthetics & their food/drinks turn out… mid….. like alot of cafes in sg now LOL but this truly ✔️ my checklist for both aesthetics n food hehe

    we went arnd 5pm which is close to their closing time so many of their bakes were sold out alr i managed to snag the last madeleine which had real apple bits inside which i liked but the bagel still steals the spotlight for me!

    they also carry merch and have other cafes located in different parts of Japan as well!

    cafe Hush 🌟

    Japan, 〒607-8081 Kyoto, Yamashina Ward, Takehanasotodacho, 8 エスポワール京都 1F

    (4min from Yamashina Station!)

    Opens 11am-6pm daily