• Diary of a local artist

    Diary of a local artist
    Diary of a local artist
    Diary of a local artist

    Diary of a local artist
    Diary of a local artist

    Hello! my friend recently recommended me to download Lemon8 and post my content here so that my content and works get seen. I thought, is it going to be like IG where my content needs to be curated and picture perfect? Turns out, my content here can be as raw and unfiltered as it gets, and Lemon8 can be my thoughtcatalog 🙃 So here I am, sharing genuine diary-like entries as a local artist.

    I'm Hui Ting, an artist who paints, does popups and runs an art studio. I sell art prints, stickers and handpainted pouches and occasionally accept commissions too. I have been painting since I was a kid, and after graduating from university, I decided to pursue art as a full-time career. My journey has been filled with ups and downs (story for another time 🫢), but im still grateful to be able to do what i love as a career.

    Fast forward to May 2023, I decided to open my very own art studio – Quirkyting Art Studio! It is a cosy, homely, and therapeutic space for Singaporeans to create art at their own pace, unwind and enrich their lives with art. Setting up an art studio was a decision made after accumulating several years of art teaching experience as well as a resolution for myself to pursue my dream. Likewise, there are struggles as a small business owner but Im happy that I am now working on my mission as a teaching artist – to brighten your everyday life with art. I hope that one day, art can become a part of Singaporean's lifestyle, and the art studio serves as a stepping stone for this purpose. I teach pastel nagomi art classes and art classes eg acrylic and watercolour paintings. Scroll to see!

    Follow me on instagram @quirkyting and @quirkyting.studio

    📍Address: 231 Mountbatten Road, Block D #03-01 Singapore 397999 (By booking only)