• [VIDEO] DIY toy 8/100: Threading shapes

    Threading develops fine motor control, eye-hand coordination and bilateral coordination (the ability to coordinate both sides of the body at the same time in a controlled and organized manner). Children practise holding the cardboard firmly with one hand while making use of the other to manipulate the string into the straws.

    Tip: Adjust the size of the straws to suit your child’s age and skills. Large straws are easier to thread and more suitable for beginners. As they gain mastery, switch the thinner straws to increase difficulty.

    👶🏻 Suitable for ages 2 & above.

    💁🏻‍♀️ Why play this? :

    ✔️ Stregthen fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination

    ✔️ Improves mental concentration and bilateral coordination

    ✔️ Builds perseverance and patience

    ✔️Reinforce cololurs and shapes recognition

    〰️ Materials Needed: Piece of cardboard, straws, strings/shoe laces, glue gun

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