• i finally tried out the viral FINO hair mask

    i finally tried out the viral FINO hair mask
    i finally tried out the viral FINO hair mask
    i finally tried out the viral FINO hair mask

    hi everyone! i’ve been seeing a lot of posts about this shiseido fino hair mask for glossy and smooth hair that’s frizz-free, so i decided to try it out for myself! i got mine for just under $10 at unity since they had an offer but i’ve seen some similar good deals on shopee as well 🙂

    most of the time, i see others mixing this mask with hair oils for best results, but i wanted to try out just the mask first to see if it would be effective on its own. i plan on getting some hair products on my upcoming trip to korea, so i’m on a no-spend at the moment to save up a little as well!

    my hair normally gets frizzy easily, so my main objective was to see if this would help to reduce it. i have a before picture where you can see that my hair looks quite dry before washing. after washing and leaving in the mask for about 3 minutes, i let it air dry and there is definitely a difference compared to just using my daily conditioner!

    my hair definitely felt significantly softer, silkier and felt moisturised after washing and i was so happy with the difference that it made!

    however, i feel that i need to find products to lock in the moisture in my hair as it did eventually get frizzy as the day went on, so i don’t think this is necessarily the fault of the product.

    i’d love to know what hair oils would be good to mix this mask in for best results!