• [VIDEO] Yummy drink recipe: taro mix avocado

    Hi peeps!

    Have you ever tried avocado mix taro drink??? Today I made it, with only 3 ingredients!

    here the recipe, hope you guys like it!


    Home cafe Recipe

    🥑 🥛 taro avocado milkshake

    Servings: 1Pax

    Prep time & total time: about 5mins


    – 4tsp taro milkshake powder + water

    – 4tsp avocado milkshake powder + water

    – some ice cubes

    – fresh milk


    1. add taro milkshake powder then pour water into a milk jug, then froth until well combined.

    2. Add avocado milkshake powder and water into serving glass, then stir it till well combined .

    3. Add some ice cubes.

    4. Pour fresh milk.

    5. Slowly pou taro milkshake.

    and it’s done!

    stir well before drinking.

    As simple as that! And the taste was so good! Try yours!