• planning my fits for my 14days tw trip! ️

    planning my fits for my 14days tw trip! ️
    planning my fits for my 14days tw trip! ️
    planning my fits for my 14days tw trip! ️
    planning my fits for my 14days tw trip! ️
    planning my fits for my 14days tw trip! ️
    planning my fits for my 14days tw trip! ️

    soooo in another 10 days i’ll be heading to taiwan – for a total of 14d 13n 😮 (!!!) we will be driving a circular route starting from taipei > taichung > cingjing > alishan > tainan > gaoxiong > kenting > taidong > hualian and back to taipei! 🤍

    and that j means that i’ll have a lot of outfits to pack for and it started to become a headache to plan out nicely what to wear on each day depending on the itinerary for that day. i started searching for outfit planner apps on the app store – there are q a few interesting ones out there! i chose to do it on SKAP in the end

    read on if u wanna know how i plan my fits using the SKAP app!

    #1 search SKAP on the appstore and download it

    #2 navigate to the ‘items gallery’ page (third icon) and start uploading ur apparels there. best if u alr have a nice pic of ur apparel on a white background e.g from its website or sth, otherwise u can also choose to take the pic urself – but place it on a plain background for bttr aesthetic effect! the app will help u to erase the background

    #3 consolidate and upload all ur shortlisted apparel items from ur wardrobe till u r happy!

    #4 go to the ‘looks gallery’ page (second icon) and start matching ur different apparel items together. if u r going for a 14d trip, then mix and match till u get 14 fits! 🤪

    #5 go to the homepage (first icon) and select ‘calendar’ – start plotting out which fit goes to which day in the calendar

    aaaand there u have it! i am q an ocd/type A person so this organizing app rly helps me a lot! it’d make packing my luggage way easier as well 🫶🏻

    have fun if u r gna try! I CAN’T WAIT FOR MY TW TRIP!! till then~

    #Fashion #fashionstyle #fashioninspo #fashionsg #fits