• chanel cardholder wallet, is it worth?

    chanel cardholder wallet, is it worth?
    chanel cardholder wallet, is it worth?

    FINALLY got my hands on this timeless piece – Chanel Classic Card Holder Wallet in Gold-Tone Metal. Searched high & low for this piece & managed to find it in Paris! This piece was priced at SGD$900+ in SG however i managed to get it at SGD$700+ after tax refund 🫡

    Why a cardholder wallet? As someone who don’t carry any cash, this wallet is PERFECT to store all my cards. There’s no limit in cardholder slots, so i can easily fit all my cards in. Fret not if you carry cash with you, the wallet can also fit some notes & coins (just not too much)

    Why CHANEL? It’s one of the few luxury brands which value is appreciating & will have the best resale value down the road 👀

    Overall in my stance, this purchase was totally worth investing on. NO REGRETS.